The Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy chooses Qimera
The Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy have chosen Qimera, replacing Qloud, as their multibeam data processing package after an extensive trial period.
Qimera will be used to process bathymetry, backscatter and water column imaginary data this is being collected by the Kongsberg EM2040 Dual RX multibeam system.
The data will be processed on board the vessels Zr.Ms. Luymes and Zr.Ms. Snellius, and once finished it will be shipped as a BAG file (S-102) to the Netherlands Hydrographic Office (Bureau Hydrografie).
According to the Hydrographic Service Qimera is a fast tool that allows you to run multiple tasks simultaneously. Furthermore its easy to locate and remove spikes with the 3D view and the available standard despike filters in Qimera. With our former processing tool Qloud, we could do point cleaning only, in case we wanted to improve the computational settings a reply of the Qinsy data was required. In Qimera we don’t have to do this anymore, and with a simple change to the computation the data is reprocessed in Qimera showing you the improvement to the bathymetry almost instantly.